Couscous recipe quick & easy

Today I will share some of my old memories and a recipe. This week, the community garden’s manager called to say that “you can plant new plants or seeds starting this week”. So, my husband and I planted some vegetable plants in our garden. As we were returning home, we met an old friend on the way. This was my neighbor who had played the role of an older sister for the first five years after my arrival in Canada. She was my neighbor, a single mother of four. Her name is Rabia, she came to Canada from Morocco and she knows all the problems that come with those who leave their country and those who are alone here. I met her almost a year after I came here. Rabia spoke French and Arabic and I could not speak both languages. When we first met, we just greeted each other and gestured to express which country we came from. After four meetings, we began to understand each other's gestures. They say...