About me and my family


Today, I want to introduce myself. I was born in a farmer's family, in a small town. We were eleven brothers and sisters. My mother is a house wife and my father was working in a government hospital as an ambulance driver. Twenty years ago, my father passed away. He was a hard working man and a good father. We love him forever and may God give him a good place in heaven. Before. I was a teacher and behind this there is a story. When I passed my high school, there were only two other girls before me in my town who passed as well. At that time, going to school was not a priority for women. Anyway, I was homeschooled because my uncle was a high school professor, so my uncle and I decided to open a girl's school. My auntie's home was empty because she was living out of town. She gave me permission to open the school in her home. I did not have to pay rent, so it was helpful for us because we were not rich. Another thing is that my husband was a student of my uncle's. We were not married at that time, yet he donated 50 desks for the students. It was a big help in the beginning. We ran this school for ten years, during this almost one hundred girls graduated high school. Things have changed now! In our town we have many highly educated girls because people send their daughters to a nearby city for school. Anyway, after marriage I quit teaching and became a full-time house wife. My husband sponsored me and I left my country with my three sons and we came to Canada. My three daughters were born here. That time was a little difficult, we had no other family or friends, just us and our children. But time has passed now, our children never made any problems, not at home or outside. We did our job as a parent and they did their jobs very well. After college, they studied full-time and had part time jobs. They have now finished University. My oldest son works in finance. My two sons and one daughter are electrical engineers. One daughter is a computer scientist and the youngest daughter majored in finance! This week, my youngest daughters both graduated from University. We are proud of our children, they achieved their goals and because of them our dreams came true. My husband works in supplying food for children. He is a hard worker and he used to have two jobs, but because of lockdown he only has one now. All my children have their own jobs and they are very busy. I love cooking, broderie, and planting even if I don't have much place because I live in a apartment. Still, I have a few plants. Now, I have a little more time, so I spend it to write my routine here. I will share home related, family, cooking, home remedies etc. I am not a  writer and I do not know about blogging. After 35 years, I started rewriting and I do many mistakes when I write.  Sometimes I sit to write and forget how to write a word then I ask my children to help me. If I have some mistakes in my writing please don't mind, because when I share my routine I feel very good.

  My husband and my son have YouTube channels I will give link here, if someone wants to watch these, they are very informative videos. You can also watch some our family videos. My daughter is a home baker and she has a small side business, I will link her Instagram if someone wants to visit.





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