How to air fry chicken breasts in Air fryer

I had an Air fryer for a long time but, I was making just French fries, chips etc. But then I knew that we could make chicken, vegetable cake and many more recipes within a very short time and without making a mess!! All the above without oil frying is very beneficial for health. If you are looking for a tasty and simple way to cook chicken breast then, an air fryer is a great choice for you. You don't need to worry about them burning or sticking and you have a perfect dinner within 30 minutes! I have been making chicken breast in a pan, and always I need to keep an eye on it because the edges become dry if it's overcooked and if undercooked it will be pink on the inside, my children don't like that. Tomato from garden But it will not happen in the air fryer! Trust me, cooking in an air fryer is a game-changer! My daughter is the one who said that! when She made chicken breast in the air fryer and it came out very ta...