How to cook Cow trotters curry” paya”

The recipe that I am going to share with you today is an amazing dish , it's called trotters or cow feet curry, which is very famous in Pakistan/India. it is called “paya” in Urdu /Hindi and many restaurants serve this dish for breakfast but you can eat it in lunch, or dinner as well! It is a very easy and simple recipe. My grandmother often used to make Trotters, especially in winter, and they tasted very good! I remember the whole family loved this curry! In my home, this is mine and my husband's favourite dish, but my kids don't like it at all because of the gummy gravy and meat. It is true the gravy is very gummy but very tasty and beneficial for health! Our ancestors say that “cow hoofs are cheap and they have many benefits for health” These are very high in collagen and rich in magnesium and zinc. It helps to improve digestion and gut health! These are also full of protein. It takes some time for it to become tender, some p...